Enhancing Workplace Benefits

Tailored wellness programs aimed at improving your employees’ well-being while capitalizing on tax savings available to you. 

about us

An Innovative HealthCare Program

Many Americans struggle with maintaining healthy lifestyles. The way we eat, manage stress, and stay active affects not only our personal lives but also our work lives.

That’s where Vital 110 comes in. It’s a wellness program designed to help you and your employees make healthier choices. At the core of Vital 110 is the MEC plan, short for Minimum Essential Coverage plan.

As your employees transition to utilizing Vital 110 for their healthcare needs, you’ll witness a remarkable reduction in your group health plan expenses. This shift enables you to renegotiate better rates with insurers, potentially reducing your premium costs by 10% to 15% annually—starkly contrasting to the usual yearly increases.

Vital 110 is not just a health program; it’s a financial strategy designed to boost your company’s health and profitability. It truly is the definition of a win-win!

Our Goal

Vital 110 aims to enhance employee health and wellness while reducing tax liabilities through wellness initiatives that foster both physical and mental well-being.

Taking advantage of these incentives creates an opportunity for substantial cost savings:

And the best part?

It won’t cost your business anything extra. With Vital 110, you can attract and retain top talent while promoting a culture of wellness.

The Benefits

Employees understand the potential financial challenges that may arise in the event of disability or a long-term illness. That’s why over 80% of workers with health insurance are willing to pay for additional benefits with their own money.

With Vital 110, they can safeguard their family’s financial stability without having to incur additional expenses.

Employee Wellness Benefits:

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Vital 110?

Vital 110 is an incentive program introduced during the Affordable Care Act which leverages tax credits to promote Physical and Mental Health.

The idea being that “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. The company can earn an average of $500 tax savings per employee, and employees who choose to participate earn an average of $1,500 – these credits are used to fund the wellness plan as well as cash value life insurance plans.

What benefits are included in Vital 110?

Supplemental Whole Life Insurance with Cash Accumulation and Living Benefits Comprehensive wellness services including:

  • Unlimited Preventive Care
  • Virtual Primary and Urgent Care
  • TeleCounseling
  • Quest Diagnostics
    • 2,000 Nationally
  • PivotRX
    • 1200+ Generic Prescriptions
What is the cost to my company for Vital 110?
  • Although there are fees associated with participating, there are no out-of-pocket expenses. The monthly compliance costs are $35 per employee from the company’s tax credits and $80 from the employee’s tax credits. When we implement the payroll plan, the credits will be recognized immediately in your next payroll cycle, and we will administer the fees 60 days after that.

Ready to Get Started?